Str. 102 no. 7 Tetovo,
1200 Republic of Macedonia
e-mail: armirsadiki@yahoo.com
Working experience
2008 – 2018 – Macedonian Bank for development Promotion, Member of Supervisory Board
2017 – Ministry of Science and Education, Providing support and assistance to the work of the Deputy Minister of Education and Science
2014 – Ministry of Science and Education, Providing support and assistance to the work of the Minister of Education and Science
2011 – 2014 – Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Providing support and assistance to the work of the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning.
2007 – 2011 – Government of the Republic of Macedonia – Office of the Vice-president of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia responsible for Ohrid Framework Agreement, Providing support and assistance to the work of the Vice-president of the Government responsible for Ohrid Framework Agreement
2005 – 2007 – ProCredit Bank, Regional Relationship Officer, Client Advisor
2011 – Notary
2010 – Judicial exam
2005 – Law Faculty, International Criminal Law, Criminology
2001 – South East European University, Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia
1999 – Secondary school, Nikola Stejn, Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia
International trainings and Conferences
American Council of young political leaders (ACYPL)
Washington D.C
Tampa, Florida
Department of State
U.S Embassy in Macedonia
PCVE National action plan task force
Multinational phase one workshor
Geneva, Switzerland
Countering violent Extremism
CVE strategy
Geneva, Switzerland
Center for Strategic and International studies
Foreign fighters fallout
Washington D.C (Online)
Center for Strategic and International studies
Missile defence 2020
Washington D.C (Online)
Center for Strategic and International studies
Space security: Issues for the new U.S Administration
Washington D.C (Online)
Reunion des ministres francophones de l`enseignement superieur pour le developpement numerique de lespace universitaire francophone
Paris, France
Capacity building to facilitate the implementation of the EU emission trading scheme in Macedonia
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Dinaric ARC
International conference
BUDVA, Montenegro
Friends of Europe
Western Balkans
Fast lane, slow lane
Brussels, Belgium
U.S center 2013 Warsaw
Local Leadership Creating Resilient Communities
Warsaw, Poland
United States Agency International Development USAID
Enhancing Capacity for low emission Development Strategies
Warsaw, Poland
National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)
The U.S is taking strong action to combat climate change
Warsaw, Poland
United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change
Warsaw, Poland
Green bridge partnership program and international specialized exhibition Astana Expo
2017 – International conference
Astana, Kazakhstan
Norwegian Environment Agency
OSLO, Norway
Vienna, Austria
Challenges in water sector in the approximation process to the European Union
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Regional Environmental network for accession
Brussels, Belgium
Foreign Economic relations board
Istanbul, Turkey
National Recap Climate seminar
Regional Environmental network for accession (RENA)
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Environmental performance review programme (EPP)
United Nations Economic commission for Europe
15th Eurasian Economic Summit
Energy. Economy and sustainable development session
Intercultural dialogue
A search for the future 2012
Istanbul, Turkey
3 Continents 1 Sea
Hunger, Poverty and unemployment
Izmir, Turkey
High level segment on Drini Multi-stakeholders Consultation Meeting.
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration, Republic of Albania.
Session of the General Conference of UNESCO.
Paris, France.
Energy and Environment: Focus on Western Balkans.
European Parliament, Brussels.
Current U.S. Social, Political, and Economic Issues for Young European Leaders II.
A Regional Project for Europe
Department of State, Washington, DC.
Washington, DC.
Structure of the U.S. Government.
The U.S. Political Process.
U.S. Foreign Policy Formulation and Development.
U.S. Economic Trends and Links to the Global Economy.
Energy Security and Environmental Concerns.
Developing Youth Leadership to Promote Global Understanding.
Civic Engagement to Resolve Political, Social and Economic Issues.
Cleveland and Akron, Ohio.
Congressional, State and Local-Level Political Races and Issues.
Northeast Ohio: Economic Development and Trade Issues.
Healthcare Reform’s Impact on Hospitals and Clinics.
Youth Leaders to Youth Leaders.
The Role of the Media in Elections.
Teaching European Politics in the U.S.
Louisville and Frankfort, Kentucky.
State-Level Politics and the Electorate.
Share Perspectives with High School Students.
A View into Rural America.
Volunteerism in the U.S.
Portland, Oregon.
Mobilizing Voters.
Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy and Environmental Concerns.
Immigrant Voices in the Elections.
The Institute of International Education.
Professional and Global Exchanges Division.
United States Department of State.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
International Visitors Leadership Programme.
Embassy of United States of America in Macedonia.
Washington DC.
Security & Defense Agenda.
EU Home Affairs, NATO-EU, Defense Economy, New Threats.
The institute for Business and Finance Research.
Atlantic City, New Jersey.
TUSKON General Assembly.
Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists of Turkey.
Istanbul, Turkey.
Economic Chamber of Konya.
Konya, Turkey.