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Mare Bogeva Micovska PhD

Born on April 19, 1974, in Skopje, Dr. Mare Bogeva Mitsovska has consistently achieved academic excellence throughout her education. She completed her studies at the Faculty of Law at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Immediately after graduating, she enrolled in postgraduate studies in International Law at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in Skopje.

In 2009, she successfully defended her master’s thesis titled “Harmonization of the Legislation of the Republic of Macedonia with the Legislation of the European Union in the Field of Public Procurement”, earning the academic title of Master of Legal Sciences in International Law. Following her master’s studies, she pursued doctoral studies at the same faculty, successfully defending her dissertation in 2012 on the topic: “Legal Protection in Procedures for Awarding Public Procurement Contracts”, thus earning the academic title of Doctor of Legal Sciences.

In May 2010, Dr. Bogeva Mitsovska passed the Bar Exam, conducted under the program established by the Ministry of Justice. From 2011 to 2012, she obtained a Certificate as an Authorized Public Procurement Trainer from ITC-ILO International Training Centre in Turin, Italy, as part of an EU-funded project.

In April 2013, she received a certification as a State Auditor in accordance with the program of the State Audit Office. Additionally, she continuously maintains certification as a public procurement trainer through the Bureau of Public Procurement under its education and trainer development programs.

With over 20 years of experience in public procurement, she began her career at the Ministry of Finance, working for six years in various roles, primarily in the Department of Public Procurement starting in December 2000. In 2004, she contributed to the establishment of the Public Procurement System Sector.

In 2005, she worked within the Bureau of Public Procurement, part of the Ministry of Finance, and from 2006 to 2014, she served as the Director of the Bureau. During her tenure, she made significant contributions to key reforms in the public procurement system, such as implementing the Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS), establishing a training and certification system for public procurement officers, and aligning legal regulations with EU standards.

From 2015 to 2024, Dr. Bogeva Mitsovska worked at the National Bank, where she led the Directorate for Public Procurement. She was responsible for planning procurement needs, preparing annual procurement plans, drafting tender documents and public procurement contracts, monitoring procurement contracts from legal and financial perspectives, and other related tasks.

In 2024, she resumed her role as the Director of the Bureau of Public Procurement.

Her exceptional contributions to public procurement development have been recognized on several occasions. In December 2007, she received recognition from USAID Macedonia for her dedicated collaboration in drafting public procurement regulations. In March 2009, the USAID e-Government Project awarded her a certificate of appreciation for her leadership in developing and implementing the e-Procurement system.

In 2013, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia awarded the Bureau of Public Procurement, under her leadership, for the best e-Government project, recognizing the Electronic Public Procurement System as a standout initiative.

In September 2014, the Association of Lawyers of Macedonia awarded her a Certificate of Gratitude for her continuous contribution to public procurement education and the development of legal thought in this field.

Dr. Bogeva Mitsovska has been actively involved in drafting legislation (laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.) related to public procurement, concessions, public-private partnerships, and legal protection in procurement procedures. She has participated in numerous seminars and training sessions in Macedonia and abroad, both as a participant and as a speaker or chairperson.

From 2006 to 2014, she served as the national representative in the Advisory Committee for Public Procurement at the European Commission. She has published numerous professional papers on public procurement law, particularly on legal protection in procurement procedures.

Born in Strumica on September 13, 1980. He completed primary and secondary education in his hometown. In 2005, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, R. Bulgaria. From his graduation until 2017, he worked at the Savings Bank “Možnosti” – Branch Strumica, where for the last 5 years he held the position of Deputy Director of the branch. In the course of his work, he acquired important certificates in the field of banking issued by the Academy of Banking and Information Technology, as well as certificates in the field of sales in banking. From 2009 to 2017, he worked as a member of the Council of the Municipality of Strumica and as the President of the Finance Committee of the Municipality of Strumica. In 2017, he was appointed director of the Deposit Insurance Fund. On 26.10.2020, he was appointed as a director in the Public Procurement Bureau.