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ESPP is a web-based system, simple and user-friendly, which enables conducting public procurements in electronic form. ESPP enables electronic trading between contracting authorities in Republic of Macedonia and domestic and foreign economic operators. ESPP eliminates paper work and ensures efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the contract award procedures

link to the system …


Subscription for ESJN

Due to the increased usage of the e-Procurement and e-Auctions in Macedonia, it is required continuous and extensive development, upgrading and maintenance of the application of the Electronic system for public procurement (ESPP). In order for you to continue to receive services on the highest level and improving of the functionalities which you use on the system, an annual subscription for ESPP – will be introduced. The annual subscription is established in accordance with the category/size of the economic operator and is:

Type of economic operatorAnnual subscription (VAT excl.)Services

Contracting authorities registered as EOsMicro sized


2.000 denars

Receiving notifications for newly published Contract Notices on e-mailDownloading tender documents

Participation in e-procurement procedures and e-auctions

Small sizedMiddle sized4.000 denars
Big sized8.000 denars
Foreign EOs130 euros

In order to register to the system like an economic operator click on the following link here … 

After completion of the registration proccess pro-invoice will be send to your e-mail and upon made payment your profile will be activated.

User support for ESJN
Customer Support Hours: every working day from 13:00 to 15:00